Round 24

Most controversial songs

RankLC[RankLC <= 5] Submitter Title varSc
1 LiaD Buy You Clothes, Do You In 'em, Take 'em Back 10.91
2 BradyB To Hell with Good Intentions 7.47
3 ChrisM Tank! 6.95
4 ChrisM Small Orchestra of Hope 6.43
5 DanMe Say Yes (feat ASM) 6.37

Least controversial songs

round(rank(-songDat[order(-songDat$varSc), ][1:5, 10], ties = "min")) Submitter Title varSc
1 DanMe 1940 (AmpLive remix) 1.06
2 JoeC encanto 1.72
3 SaadC Whenever Whatever 1.81
4 JRS Ice Age 1.82
5 KatieB The Captain 1.85

Top 10 songs (by average adjusted score):

round(rank(-songDat[order(-songDat$aveScAdj), ][1:10, 9], ties = "min")) Submitter Title aveScAdj
1 DanMe 1940 (AmpLive remix) 7.04
2 JasiaP Born To 6.99
2 VimalV A Million Years 6.99
4 SangitaS At Home 6.69
5 KatieB Broadripple Is Burning 6.55
6 AlisonK Blue Eyes 6.32
6 JoeC walkin down the line 6.32
8 SangitaS Forever 6.31
9 KatieB The Captain 6.24
10 EllenV Inspiration Information 6.21

Most similar tastes

1 EllenV VimalV 0.79
2 EllenV LiaD 0.65
3 BradyB KatieB 0.58
4 LiaD VimalV 0.55
5 EllenV SangitaS 0.53
6 LiaD SangitaS 0.52
7 BradyB JoeC 0.46
8 KatieB SangitaS 0.46
9 SangitaS VimalV 0.45
10 DavidG SaadC 0.45

Most dissimilar tastes

1 ChrisM DavidG -0.56
2 DanMe SaadC -0.39
3 ChrisM SaadC -0.37
4 BradyB SaadC -0.28
5 ChrisM LiaD -0.27
6 DanMe DavidG -0.26
7 ChrisM JordanR -0.24
8 JordanR SaadC -0.2
9 DanMe EllenV -0.19
10 ChrisM EllenV -0.14

Hardest to please/Grouch award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$meanRatO), ][1:5, 5], ties = "min") Submitter meanRatO
1 SaadC 3.76
2 SangitaS 4.52
3 JoeC 5.08
4 KatieB 5.12
5 DanMe 5.14

Easiest to please/Pollyanna award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$meanRatO), ][1:5, 5], ties = "min") Submitter meanRatO
1 VimalV 6.57
2 JRS 6.23
3 JasiaP 6.21
4 BradyB 6.17
5 AlisonK 6.07

Most polar rater/borderline personality disorder award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$rVar), ][1:5, 7], ties = "min") Submitter rVar
1 JoeC 7.51
2 EllenV 6.69
3 LiaD 6.68
4 DanMe 5.30
5 SangitaS 4.65

Most invariant rater/lazy indifferent deaf person award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$rVar), ][1:5, 7], ties = "min") Submitter rVar
1 BradyB 1.72
2 DavidG 1.86
3 KatieB 2.15
4 SaadC 2.25
5 AlisonK 2.70

Most representative taste/Casey Kasem award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$aveSim), ][1:5, 8 + nrPeep]) Submitter aveSim
1 LiaD 0.692
2 BradyB 0.672
3 EllenV 0.664
4 SangitaS 0.656
5 VimalV 0.651

Most eccentric taste/precious snowflake award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$aveSim), ][1:5, 8 + nrPeep]) Submitter aveSim
1 DanMe 0.154
2 ChrisM 0.251
3 DavidG 0.380
4 JordanR 0.387
5 JRS 0.447

Most obscure songs/High Fidelity award

rank(peepDat[order(peepDat$propK), ][1:5, 4], ties = "min") Submitter propK
1 AlisonK 0
1 DavidG 0
1 JasiaP 0
1 JordanR 0
1 JRS 0

Most knowledgeable/liar award

rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$propKO), ][1:5, 6], ties = "min") Submitter propKO
1 JRS 0.2619
2 AlisonK 0.0714
2 DanMe 0.0714
2 JasiaP 0.0714
2 VimalV 0.0714

Overall finish (best adjusted average of top 2 songs)

round(rank(-peepDat[order(-peepDat$topSongsAveAdjSc), ][, 2], Submitter topSongsAveAdjSc
1 SangitaS 6.50
2 JasiaP 6.44
3 VimalV 6.40
4 KatieB 6.40
5 DanMe 6.25
6 EllenV 5.92
7 JoeC 5.88
8 AlisonK 5.80
9 LiaD 5.67
10 JordanR 5.34
11 JRS 5.06
12 SaadC 5.05
13 BradyB 4.94
14 DavidG 4.75
15 ChrisM 4.57

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